Numbuk Orphanage school provides for both orphans and very poor Lao children. The school is 2.5 hours from Luang Prabang.
When we commenced support in 2013, there were 400 students at the Numbuk school, but after liaison with the Lao Governnment, we were able to fund and build 2 new dormitories in order to accommodate 90 new children into the school.
There is now 580 children at the Numbuk school. We have initiated a healthy food program, a hygeine program (soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes) and installed filters for clean drinking water. Because Numbuk is in a rural area, we have been able to initiate a crop program for the school which supplies fresh vegetables for children throughout the school year. We also provide scholarships for the children who graduate at the end of year 12 to study in Luang Prabang.
I have supported the Suan Luang School for over 10 years. The school is just 30 minutes outside of Luang Prabang and is home to 550 children. I no longer have funds to support a food program at the school, but i have a nurse to support the childrens’ health and i allocate scholarships to the year 12 graduates. I also supply clothing when available.